Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The weather is getting warmer now that Summer is here. Your cute baby girl can finally shed the heavy clothes of winter and wear the adorable baby girl dresses that are designed for the warmer weather. The cute outfits flow with light colors of pink, yellow, pale green, and light blue. There are also fabulous cute baby outfits with those colors that "pop" with the fun bright red, navy blue, bright white colors. The flower prints that share the garden show with the fresh blooms of the season will win lots of "oohs" and "awws" as your little girl enjoys her first Spring time.

As you shop through the pages of baby girl dresses and cute outfits don't miss the sale prices. Just click an item to see the sale prices. This makes the shopping even more fun. We are enjoying buying these items for our new grand-daughter who will be here soon!

Do you need a baby girl dress for a Christening service? We have several beautiful choices and designer brands.

Do you like the nautical theme for you little sailor? We have a few adorable baby girl dresses that fit the bill.

Ruffles also seem to be a fun touch this season also. Lots of the little fashions have layers of light ruffles that will lift and fly as your little one crawls, learns to walks, and begins to dance and twirl. These little dresses will only enhance the fun as her face lights up with her new baby dresses.

One outfit from Bonnie Baby has a sleeveless dress and coat combination. This is wonderful as you carry your little one from an air-conditioned building to an outdoor event. She'll need the warmth of the coat and then need to "shed" it for the time she's outside while you enjoy a few minutes of sunshine at the park. It doesn't wrinkle and will always look great.

Let's not forget the polka-dots. Bonnie Jean has a fun, yet beautiful, red and white dress that brings a smile to your face even without the cute baby girl in it. The discount price makes this dress even more attractive. 

Choose from labels such as Disney Baby, Chic Baby, Bonnie Jean, Bonnie Baby, Blueberi Boulevard, Baby-Girls KID, Carter's, AMJ Dresses Inc. and more. These designer brands have cute outfits with sale prices that can dress your little girl to make the whole room of adults to brighten their smiles.